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Python library providing a variety of useful functions for 4P modules
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in-sylva development / in-sylva.portal
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUsed to manage account, policies and sources. Access reserved to insylva administrators and source managers
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in-sylva development / in-sylva.search.app
GNU General Public License v3.0 or latersearch.app is used by package search, and implement search processes
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UMR G-EAU / CropWat
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Implementation of the FAO CropWat model in an R package
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SATLAND is an application to detect and characterize hotspots of change. It is based on Python libraries (xarray, Bfast, rasterio for back-end, Streamlit for Front-End)
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Agroclim / SAVA
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterSuivi des Applications jaVa d'Agroclim (Documentation en ligne).
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Guillaume Devailly / mbd2_metaanalysis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Olivier Maury / Gwt Expe
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterGWT experiments: minimum and basic dependencies to run on Tomcat along with code quality checkers.
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SK8 / sk8-apps / SA / ASTRE / arbocartoR app
CeCILL-C Free Software License AgreementL'application permet de simuler la dynamique spatio-temporelle de populations de moustiques Aedes (albopictus et aegypti) dans divers environnements et la dynamique de transmission de trois arboviroses : dengue, zika, chikungunya.
Lien vers l'application : https://arbocarto-r-app.sk8.inrae.fr
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Ce dépôt donne à voir les résultats de l'expérimentation menée de façon transversale entre les pôles SENS, ASTRA, Num4Sci pour l'identification et la classification automatique des publications appartenant au domaine des Sciences et Recherches Participatives.
Cette expérimentation avait pour but de tester les bénéfices potentiels de l'utilisation de modèles de langues, LLM, pour l'automatisation de la catégorisation de publications scientifiques.
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Philippe Bardou / GEGA
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterGEGA - Gallus Enriched Gene Annotation - Easily explore the richness of the chicken genome
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Guillaume Devailly / pigheat_rrbs
MIT LicenseUpdated -
urgi-is / FAIDARE
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalFAIDARE: FAIR Data-finder for Agronomic Research
It provides web services (based on the BrAPI standard) and a web interface with easy to use filters to facilitates the access to plant datasets from a federation of sources.