diff --git a/src/composables/LayoutMain.ts b/src/composables/LayoutMain.ts
index 2070008444a5343086614e9f3ffd42ab3282c9b2..8e579ab2babd06ee35a67632fa8bff1fd51c7158 100644
--- a/src/composables/LayoutMain.ts
+++ b/src/composables/LayoutMain.ts
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { GraphStyleProperties } from "@metabohub/viz-core/src/types/GraphStylePr
 // Composable imports
 import { putDuplicatedSideCompoundAside, reinsertionSideCompounds } from "./LayoutManageSideCompounds";
-import { vizLayout } from "./LayoutSugiyamaForce";
+import { vizLayout } from "./LayoutSugiyama";
 import { chooseReversibleReaction, duplicateReversibleReactions } from "./LayoutReversibleReactions";
 import { addDirectedCycleToSubgraphNetwork } from "./LayoutFindCycle";
 import { BFSWithSources } from "./AlgorithmBFS";
diff --git a/src/composables/LayoutSugiyamaForce.ts b/src/composables/LayoutSugiyama.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/composables/LayoutSugiyamaForce.ts
rename to src/composables/LayoutSugiyama.ts
diff --git a/src/composables/__tests__/LayoutSugiyama.test.ts b/src/composables/__tests__/LayoutSugiyama.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b00a2255d5315148e368ea1bbfaeea8c3386fae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/composables/__tests__/LayoutSugiyama.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// Type imports
+import { Network } from '@metabohub/viz-core/src/types/Network';
+import { Node } from '@metabohub/viz-core/src/types/Node';
+import { Link } from '@metabohub/viz-core/src/types/Link';
+import { GraphStyleProperties } from '@metabohub/viz-core/src/types/GraphStyleProperties';
+import { SubgraphNetwork } from '../../types/SubgraphNetwork';
+// Composable imports
+import * as LayoutSugiyama from '../LayoutSugiyama';
+import * as ConvertFromNetwork from '../ConvertFromNetwork';
+import * as ConvertToNetwork from '../ConvertToNetwork';
+import * as CalculateSize from "../CalculateSize";
+// General imports
+import { instance } from "@viz-js/viz";
+import { JsonViz } from '../../types/FormatJsonViz';
+// MOCK VIZ and DATA for mock
+const jsonViz:JsonViz ={
+    directed: true,
+    objects: [
+        {
+        name: 'node1',
+        pos: '12.6,12.6',
+        },
+        {
+        name: 'node2',
+        pos: '12.6,325.8',
+        },
+        {
+        name: 'node3',
+        pos: '12.6,639',
+        },
+        {
+        name: 'node4',
+        pos: '12.6,952.2',
+        },
+        {
+        name: 'node5',
+        pos: '12.6,1265.4',
+        }
+    ],
+    edges: []
+    };
+const DOT:string=`strict digraph G {
+        graph [rankdir="BT", newrank="true", compound="true", splines="false", ranksep="4", nodesep="4", dpi="72"]
+        node1  [height="0.35", width="0.35", fixedsize="true"];
+        node2  [height="0.35", width="0.35", fixedsize="true"];
+        node3  [height="0.35", width="0.35", fixedsize="true"];
+        node4  [height="0.35", width="0.35", fixedsize="true"];
+        node5  [height="0.35", width="0.35", fixedsize="true"];
+        node1 -> node2;
+        node2 -> node3;
+        node3 -> node4;
+        node4 -> node5;
+jest.mock('@viz-js/viz', () => ({
+    instance: jest.fn(
+    async() => ({
+        renderJSON: jest.fn(
+            (dot) => {
+                if (dot === DOT) {
+                    return jsonViz
+                }else{
+                    throw new Error('No right input renderJSON');
+                }
+            }
+        )
+    }))
+describe('LayoutSugiyama', () => {
+    // DATA
+    const networkStyle: GraphStyleProperties = {};
+    const nodes:{[key:string]:Node}= {
+        node1: { id: 'node1', x:1, y:2 },
+        node2: { id: 'node2', x:3, y:4 },
+        node3: { id: 'node3', x:5, y:6 },
+        node4: { id: 'node4', x:7, y:8 },
+        node5: { id: 'node5', x:9, y:10 },
+    };
+    const links:Link[]= [
+        { id: 'link', source: nodes.node1 , target:nodes.node2 },
+        { id: 'link', source: nodes.node2 , target:nodes.node3 },
+        { id: 'link', source: nodes.node3 , target:nodes.node4 },
+        { id: 'link', source: nodes.node4 , target:nodes.node5 },
+    ]
+    const network :Network= {
+        id: 'network',
+        nodes: nodes,
+        links: links,  
+    };
+    const subgraphNetwork:SubgraphNetwork = {
+        network: network,
+        networkStyle: networkStyle,
+    };
+    const nodesViz:{[key:string]:Node}= {
+        node1: { id: 'node1', x: 12.6, y: 12.6 },
+        node2: { id: 'node2', x: 12.6, y: 325.8 },
+        node3: { id: 'node3', x: 12.6, y: 639 },
+        node4: { id: 'node4', x: 12.6, y: 952.2 },
+        node5: { id: 'node5', x: 12.6, y: 1265.4 }
+        };
+    const linksViz:Link[] = [
+        { id: 'link', source: nodesViz.node1 , target:nodesViz.node2 },
+        { id: 'link', source: nodesViz.node2 , target:nodesViz.node3 },
+        { id: 'link', source: nodesViz.node3 , target:nodesViz.node4 },
+        { id: 'link', source: nodesViz.node4 , target:nodesViz.node5 },
+    ];
+    const networkViz:Network = {
+        id: 'network',
+        nodes: nodesViz,
+        links: linksViz
+    };
+    // MOCK
+    const getSepAttributesInchesMock = jest.spyOn(CalculateSize, 'getSepAttributesInches');
+    getSepAttributesInchesMock.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve({rankSep: 4, nodeSep: 4}));
+    const networkToDOTMock = jest.spyOn(ConvertFromNetwork, 'networkToDOT');
+    networkToDOTMock.mockReturnValue(DOT);
+    const changeNetworkFromVizMock = jest.spyOn(ConvertToNetwork, 'changeNetworkFromViz');
+    changeNetworkFromVizMock.mockImplementation(async(json,subgraphNetwork,assignRank)=>{
+        if (JSON.stringify(json) === JSON.stringify(jsonViz)) {
+            const network = subgraphNetwork.network;
+            network.nodes.node1.x = 12.6;
+            network.nodes.node1.y = 12.6;
+            network.nodes.node2.x = 12.6;
+            network.nodes.node2.y = 325.8;
+            network.nodes.node3.x = 12.6;
+            network.nodes.node3.y = 639;
+            network.nodes.node4.x = 12.6;
+            network.nodes.node4.y = 952.2;
+            network.nodes.node5.x = 12.6;
+            network.nodes.node5.y = 1265.4;
+        }else{
+            throw new Error('No right input');
+        }
+        return subgraphNetwork;
+    });
+    test('vizLayout with default parameters', async () => {
+        // TEST
+        await LayoutSugiyama.vizLayout(subgraphNetwork);
+        // EXPECT
+        expect(getSepAttributesInchesMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+        expect(networkToDOTMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+        expect(changeNetworkFromVizMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+        expect(subgraphNetwork.network).toEqual(networkViz);
+    });
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