# mapMCDA 0.5
* Update back-end geographical packages (sf, terra)
- Remove dependency on deprecated packages sp, raster, rgdal, rgeos, maptools and maps.
* Use more suitable default colour scales based on viridis
* Include the package installation location in the dropdown menu of locations
- Provide direct access to Cameroon example data
* Read network data.
- Filter national sub-network automatically (with warning) rather than stop on nodes off-boundaries. (#44)
- Warn (instead of error) if all links are unidirectional. Danger: assuming directionality when in reality the data is non-directional. (#41)
- Automatically aggregate volumes for multiple links (with warning,
rather than error).
- Stricter check consistency of nodes coordinates. Before, we
checked (and errored) whether the same node had different
coordinates. Check also for the same coordinates havind different
nodes. It is likely a typo in the name of a locality, and we don't
want to treat them as different nodes.
* Accept grd/gri files as raster format.
* New vignette: animal mobility file-format cheatsheet (
* shiny interface v2 with several improvements (#8)
* Export CSV with units and risk categories (#10)
* Animal mobility data as a specific input type (#9)
# mapMCDA 0.2.0
* Fully working version
# mapMCDA 0.1.0
* First working prototype
* Added a `` file to track changes to the package.